Sugo-Fest Exclusive Jinbe! 10+1

Sept. 25 (19:00) - Sept. 27 (18:59) PST 

There's a new Straw Hat Pirate crew debuting in Sugo-Fest along with a Sugo-Fest Exclusive Jinbe!

Plus, we're bringing back 10+1 Rare Recruit!

The last Wanted Poster you get from doing a 10+1 Rare Recruit has a rare chance of being the Sugo-Fest Exclusive Jinbe! If it's not Jinbe, then it will definitely be one of the new Straw-Hat Pirates!

On top of this, the last Wanted Poster in the 10+1 Rare Recruit has double the chance of a normal 1 try Rare-Recruit of being the Sugo-Fest Exclusive Jinbe!

【Sugo-Fest Exclusive Characters】 

Knight of the Sea Jinbe (INT) NEW!
Fujitora (INT)
Bartolomeo (STR)
Monkey D. Luffy In the Wake of an Endless Dream - Straw Hat Pirates (STR)
Corazon Donquixote Pirates (DEX)
Donquixote Doflamingo Donquixote Pirates (QCK)
Rob Lucci CP9 Dark Justice (STR)
Sir Crocodile: Logia Warlord of the Sea (DEX)
Sabo (PSY)
Dracule Mihawk Warlord of the Sea (INT)
Portgas D. Ace Black Clad Flame Fist (DEX)
Marco Whitebeard 1st Div. Commander (QCK)
Shanks Blackclad Redhead (PSY)
Sengoku (PSY)
Boa Hancock (QCK)
Silvers Rayleigh (INT)
Edward Newgate (STR)

Plus, you'll have a higher chance of Recruiting all the powerful characters listed below.

【Sugo-Fest Rate Boosted Characters】

Monkey D. Luffy - A Pirate Who Lives by His Code (STR) NEW! 
Sanji - A Pirate Who Lives by His Code (INT) NEW! 
Nami - A Pirate Who Lives by Her Code (QCK) NEW!
Brook - A Pirate Who Lives by His Code (PSY) NEW!
Roronoa Zoro - A Pirate Who Lives by His Code (DEX) NEW!
Chopper - A Pirate Who Lives by His Code (DEX) NEW!
Nico Robin - A Pirate Who Lives by His Code (INT) NEW! 
Usopp - A Pirate Who Lives by His Code (QCK) NEW!
Franky - A Pirate Who Lives by His Code (STR) NEW! 

Monkey D. Luffy - Dream Chaser (STR) NEW! 
Sanji - Dream Chaser (INT) NEW!
Nami - Dream Chaser (QCK) NEW!
Brook - Dream Chaser (PSY) NEW!
Roronoa Zoro - Dream Chaser (DEX) NEW! 
Chopper - Dream Chaser (DEX) NEW! 
Nico Robin - Dream Chaser (INT) NEW! 
Usopp - Dream Chaser (QCK) NEW!
Franky - Dream Chaser (STR) NEW!

■ The last Wanted Poster from a 10+1 Rare-Recruit will be:

・One of the【Sugo-Fest Rate Boosted Characters】or *Sugo-Fest Exclusive Jinbe

*The rate of getting the Sugo-Fest Exclusive Jinbe from this Wanted Poster is double that of a normal 1 try Rare-Recruit.

*All during the event, Shooter characters will join your crew at level 20!

*Sugo-Fest Exclusive characters who are Shooters will also join your crew at Level 20.

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